A New Journey 《启航》

行行摄摄游槟岛(Walk and snapshot around Penang Island)

This is actually a 2 days 1 night program organise by 8TV(八度空间). The main objective is to visit some heritage and cultural in Penang. In this program, the participants has to take photos at each venue visited. Our first stop is to visit the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, or the Blue Mansion.IMG_7787 IMG_7790 IMG_7795 IMG_7821 IMG_7843 IMG_7852 IMG_7855 IMG_7858 IMG_7859 IMG_7880 IMG_7901 IMG_7921 IMG_7926 Next, we were off to visit the Clan Jetties.IMG_7962 IMG_8008 IMG_8035 IMG_8045 For the first day, we were only visited two places. We spent our night at Tune Hotel.IMG_8052 Early in the second day morning, we were off to visit the handmade yau char kwai (fried cruller).IMG_8078 IMG_8089 IMG_8095 Next is the handmade popiah (spring roll).IMG_8121 IMG_8129 Then, this is the traditional chop maker. The master craft the chop with his own bare hands.IMG_8152 IMG_8159 IMG_8181 IMG_8187 And this is the traditional handcraft signboard.IMG_8210 IMG_8216 IMG_8220 After that, we went to visit the traditional barber shop. This traditional barber shop is offering the ear and nose cleaning services.IMG_8242 IMG_8257 IMG_8293 And this one is the traditional joss stick maker. The joss stick was made by the master with his bare hands and then is put under the sun for two days for the drying process.IMG_8303 IMG_8307 IMG_8310 In the afternoon, we went to visit the Guan Yin Temple.IMG_8347 IMG_8364 IMG_8371 And then we went to the Peranakan Mansion, also known as the Baba and Nyonya Mansion.IMG_8455 IMG_8468 IMG_8501 IMG_8510 IMG_8523 And finally is the Khoo Kongsi.IMG_8526 IMG_8529 IMG_8532 IMG_8552

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